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Audit on Roadside Accident Cases and Severity Happening in Indore City, Presenting to MYH Casualty,

Introduction: Road traffic accidents take away the right to life of 3,000 people every day worldwide. This is a global humanitarian disaster, it is man-made and preventable. Accidents are a drain on the national economy and may lead to disablement, death, damage to health and property, social suffering and general degradation of the environment. India had earned the dubious distinction of having more number of fatalities due to road accidents in the world. Road safety is emerging as a major social concrn around the world, especially in India.

Materials and Methods: The prospective observational study was carried out on 1000 RTA cases presented in MYH trauma centre, INDORE from May 2018 to April 2019. All patients of roadside accidents presenting to trauma centre underwent a detailed history taking including general examination after their primary management.

Results: Out of 1000 cases 277 were fatal, 385 were considered under grievously injured & 338 cases had a simple injury. Among the fatalities, 32 cases were brought dead. The vehicle majorly found to be involved in the RTAs were 2-wheeler (76.90%), 3-wheeler (3.35%), 4-wheeler (6.2%) and others (13.6%). Out of total no of accident cases of 2 wheelers (769), only 27.1% person was using the helmet and 72.6% persons were not using the helmet. In the comparison of the severity of the injury and use of helmet, among the total no of fatality in 2 wheelers, 36% fatal injury occurred in person not wearing the helmet.

Conclusion: Road Traffic Accident problem is increasingly becoming a public health problem. The result not only in death but disability among survivors who can burden to the society. RTA victims predominantly belonged to the younger age group.

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Hooghly, West Bengal, India

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