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Socioeconomic Factors and Cultural Practices Influencing the Resurgence of Bedbugs (Cimex hemipterus

Bedbugs are parasitic insects that feed mostly on blood (human). Cimex hemipterus commonly known as the Tropical bedbug resurge in warmer climates like Africa, Asia and America. Over the years bedbug infestation has remained a major public health concern among the residents of Nakuru Town Kenya. The purpose of this study was to determine socioeconomic factors and cultural practices that influence the resurgence of bedbugs in Nakuru Town, Kenya.

This study adopted analytic epidemiological study design and used cross sectional descriptive survey for data collection. It was conducted in seven estates in Nakuru Town, Kenya with an estimated population of 32,856 in a period of seven months. Cluster sampling was used to sample the households in the estates with the study surveillance being done in four hundred and twenty two (422) households whereas 57% and 43% of the participants were male and female respectively. Please read full article -


Hooghly, West Bengal, India

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