Effect of Plant Spacing to Growth and Yield of Hybrid Maize (Zea mays L.) | Asian Research Journal o
Problem: Maize is one of important food for Indonesian people. The problem faced by Indonesian government is the maize is not sufficient to suffice the this country demand.
Aims: The research aimed to study the interaction between several hybrid maize varieties and plant spacing to growth and yield of hybrid maize
Study Design: Factorial design in randomized block design.
Place and Duration of Study: The research was conducted in Siguntur, Sitiung 1, Dharmasraya, West Sumatra and Indonesia from April to July 2018.
Methodology: Factorial design in randomized block design with 2 factors was used in the assay. The first factor was hybrid maize varieties (Pioneer P35 and Pertiwi 3) and the second factor was planting space (75 cm x 20 cm, 75 cm x 30 cm and 75 cm x 40 cm). The data was analyzed by ANOVA.
Please read full article - http://www.journalarja.com/index.php/ARJA/article/view/30083