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Sexual Dimorphism on Haematological and Genetic Parameters of Japanese Quails | Asian Journal of Adv

The study evaluated effect of Sex on Haematological parameters and Correlation with body weight of Japanese quails at Teaching and Research Farm of University of Uyo, Uyo, Nigeria. Authors declared that “principle of laboratory animal care” (NIH publication 85-23 revised 1985) were followed as well as the University law. The experiment has been examined and approved by the University law. Total of 400 birds (200 birds per sex) were reared in a Completely Randomized Design under standard management practices for 7 weeks with feed and water given ad libitum. Sex were considered treatments. Weekly body weight (BW) was measured. 100 birds per sex were randomly selected and blood samples were collected for haematological analysis. The parameters include: White Blood Cell(WBC), Red Blood Cell(RBC), Haemoglobin(Hb), Packed Cell Volume(PCV), Mean Corpuscular Volume(MCV), Mean Corpuscular Haemoglobin(MCH), Mean Corpuscular Haemoglobin Concentration(MCHC) and Platelet. The results showed that sex significantly (P< .05) influenced some of the haematological parameters of Japanese quails at 7 weeks. Females had significantly (P<.05) higher mean values in WBC (45.9 ±1.47 ×109/L), Hb (15.58±0.23 g/l) and PCV (47.75±0.72%) than males with WBC (32.09±1.31×109/L), Hb (13.72±0.25 g/l) and PCV (41.50±0.66%). There were no significant (P >.05) difference in mean values for RBC, MCV, MCH, MCHC and Platelet in both sexes measured. Please read full article -


Hooghly, West Bengal, India

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