Diffuse Large B-cell Lymphoma of the External Auditory Canal: Case Report | Asian Journal of Case Re
A 68 yr old male presented with hearing loss due to an obstructing mass in his ear canal. A CT scan confirmed a non-erosive mass, which was biopsied. A diagnosis of Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma was made. Following 6 courses of intra-thecal methotrexate the patient is asymptomatic and in remission. Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma (DLBCL) of the EAC (external auditory canal) is extremely unusual with only 8 cases of documented DLBCL in the literature. Please read full article - http://www.journalajcrmh.com/index.php/AJCRMH/article/view/30122 [if !supportLineBreakNewLine] [endif]