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The Impact of Financial Deepening on the Economy of Nigeria (1981-2018) | Asian Journal of Economics

This study was carried out to investigate the impact of financial deepening on the Nigerian economy between 1981 and 2018. Data employed for this study was elicited from Central Bank of Nigeria Statistical Bulletin of 2018. This study employed real gross domestic product as proxy for economic growth in Nigeria (regress and), while ratio of money supply to gross domestic product, ratio of private sector credit to gross domestic product and ratio of market capitalization to gross domestic product were adopted as regressors. The co-integration test and Fully Modified Least Squares (FMOLS) Model were utilized to analyze data. Inferential results generated there from indicated that financial deepening had positive impact on the Nigerian economy within the period under review. To boost economic growth, we recommend at this time that monetary authorities implement monetary policies to increase money. In the same vein, Nigerian commercial banks should be encouraged to improve upon credit facilities made available to the private sector. Recognizing the positive impact of international capital, this study also recommends that Nigerian policy makers ease some of the many restrictions that currently limit entry of international capital. This singular act would most definitely lead to more companies being listed on the exchange. The result would be the attainment of even more depth to Nigeria’s economy.

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Hooghly, West Bengal, India

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