Effects of Different Organic Manures on Early Seedling Growth of Massularia acuminata (G. Don) Bullo
Aims: Selection of suitable soil amendment is a very crucial attempt for improving seedling production and growth of Massularia acuminata as a forest nursery plants on a sustainable basis can be enhanced over a given period of time.
Study Design: Comparative effects of different organic manures on the seedlings growth of Massularia acuminate.
Place and Duration of Study: Forestry Research Institute of Nigeria, between February, 2019 and August 2019.
Methodology: Various concentrations of different types of organic manures; poultry manure, cow dung and horse dung were mixed with the topsoil separately to raise the seedlings of Massularia acuminata, comparative seedlings height growth, the stem diameter growth and the number of leaves per seedlings were examined to determine the development of the seedlings.
Results: The results revealed that, organic manure application generally enhanced the growth of the seedlings, improved seedlings height, number of leaves and collar diameter. Also, with increasing rate of application of organic manures from 0 g to 50 g per seedlings, all seedlings growth parameters were improved. 10 g and 30 g manure had significant effects on plant growth with seedlings height 15.29 cm and 15.10 cm, number of leaves per seedlings (19.80 and 19.43) and collar diameter (6.58 mm and 6.57 mm) with Q2 and Q3 respectively as compared with the control (5.18 mm). Highest seedling growth was observed in poultry application with seedlings height 14.42 cm, number of leaves (19.63) and collar diameter (6.31 mm).
Conclusion: The use of poultry manure and cattle dung at increased concentrations of 10 g and 30 g are recommended to be beneficial for sustainable healthy seedling production.
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