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Beef Cattle Livestock Business Income Analaysis in West Binjai District, Indonesia | Asian Journal o

The income analysis function is to measure the success or failure of business activity, find the main components of income, and whether that component can still be improved or not. This study aims to analyze the income of beef cattle fattening business in West Binjai District, Indonesia. The research method is a census, which also known as a complete enumeration method, where all individuals in the population are investigated or interviewed as respondents. This type of research is a quantitative descriptive study. The population in this study was all beef cattle breeders with the aim of maintenance for fattening. The data collection method was carried out by the census of 37 farmers. The data used in this study include primary data and secondary data. The results showed that the beef cattle fattening business in the study area was an economically profitable activity for beef cattle farmers that were 86,703,940 rupiah per year, and the average net income received by beef cattle business farmers was Rp. 7,225,328 per month. In terms of business, feasibility is a type of activity that feasible to cultivate and developed because of the Revenue Cost Ratio value 1.38.

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Hooghly, West Bengal, India

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