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Knowledge of Sickle Cell Disease among University Students in Port Harcourt | International Blood Re

Background: Sickle Cell Disease (SCD) is a hereditary haemoglobinopathy that has been related with significant mortality in Nigeria. Knowledge on cause, prevention and risk factors are important for adequate control of the occurrence of SCD.

Methods: A cross sectional study on the awareness of SCD was carried out among undergraduate students in Port Harcourt, Nigeria. A structured questionnaire was interviewer-administered to 146 students.

Results: The study showed that 97.9% claim to have heard about sickle cell, while 68.5% indicated that the source of information on sickle cell was in school. One hundred and twenty-seven (87%) indicated that SCD describes abnormal blood cells. In 68.5% the source of information on SCD was in school. Only 42% had a good awareness on SCD. Students of male gender, of less than 20 years, with less average family income were more likely to have poor awareness of SCD.

Conclusion: The study shows the need for improved awareness on SCD and increased awareness campaigns on every available media platform.

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Hooghly, West Bengal, India

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