Knowledge of Root Canal Treatment and Its Association with Patients’ Demographics – A Cross-Sectiona
Introduction: Endodontics is the division of dentistry that mainly dealt with the physiology, pathophysiology, pathology and morphology of human dental tissues. The study determined the knowledge among patients who underwent root canal treatment (RCT).
Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried among RCT patients visiting various dental clinics. A validated self-administered questionnaire including information related to knowledge about RCT was used to collect required data. Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) Version 22.0 was used to analyze the data.
Results: Regarding the RCT knowledge, it was revealed that patients with previous RCT history were having better knowledge than patients without RCT history or those who were planning to undergo for RCT procedure (p= <0.001). Differences between smoking status and RCT knowledge were also statistically significant (p=0.048).
Conclusion: In conclusion, moderate knowledge was observed among patients who underwent RCT or those who were planning to perform RCT.
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