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Lewis Blood Group Percentage Distribution among Indigenes of Ogoni Ethnicity in Rivers State, Nigeri

Aim: We attempted to determine the frequency and percentage distribution of Lewis blood group antigens among indigenes of Ogoni ethnicity in Rivers State, Nigeria.

Study Design: The study consisted of 101 Ogoni people, who were apparently healthy and free from transfusion transmissible infections confirmed by serological screening. Ogoniland is located along the Niger Delta Eastern edge, and to the north-east of the Imo River and Port Harcourt city. All subjects were recruited and their blood samples were collected. The presence of Lewis-a and -b (Lea/Leb) blood group was examined using Anti-Lea and Leb monoclonal antibody, respectively (Lorne Laboratories).

Results: Lea and Leb blood group was observed in 17.8% and 11.9%, respectively.

Conclusion: Lea and Leb in this population was observed less frequently than those in other population previously reported. The Lewis antigen was reported to be associated with thrombotic disorders and Helicobacter pylori infection. Further studies may be directed to examine the association between Lewis blood group antigens and the risk of these conditions in Ogoni subjects.

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Hooghly, West Bengal, India

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