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Dryland Farmer’s Knowledge towards Climate Change and Constraints in Adoption of Climate Resilient P

Aims: To understand the dryland famer’s knowledge towards climate change, its causes and its impacts. And to find the constraints associate in adoption of climate resilient practices in the region.

Study Design: For the present descriptive study, cross-sectional survey design was used.

Place and Duration of Study: The study was conducted in Sam Higginbottom University of Agriculture, Technology and Sciences, Allahabad during the year 2018.

Methodology: Climate change study in dryland region is very relevant; so a study was conducted at Sivakasi (a highly industrialized taluk) of Tamil Nadu which falls under dryland region. The data collection was done using structured interview schedule with 120 farmers. Method of data collection is face to face interview.

Results: The study revealed that the level of knowledge towards climate change is medium and it is influenced by various factors like education, mass media exposure, extension contacts, innovativeness, risk orientation, scientific orientation and social participation positively. The major constraints in the adoption of climate resilient practices are high cost, lack of awareness and lack of adequate infrastructure. Some of the suggestions expressed by the farmers to improve adoption for the open ended questions are categorized as, improving advisory, strengthening infrastructure and extending policy support.

Conclusion: The results of the research would help the extension workers to understand dryland farmer’s needs for effective programme implementation.


Hooghly, West Bengal, India

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