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Siddha Diagnostic Methodology of Envagai thervu for Gunmam Patients at Government Siddha Medical Col

Introduction: Siddha Medicine is a system of traditional medicine originating in ancient Tamil Nadu in South India and Sri Lanka. Traditionally, it is taught that the siddhars laid the foundation for this system of medicine. Siddha system has a unique diagnostic method to identify the diseases and their causes. According to the Saint Theraiyar, there are eight tools of diagnosis: symptoms of the body, the colour, the voice, the eyes, the tongue, stools, urine and the pulse.

Aim: The aim of this study was to study the siddha diagnostic methodology of envagaithervu for gunmam patient sat government siddha medical college & hospital, palayamkottai.

Study Setting: Government Siddha Medical College, Palayamkottai from April to August 2019.

Methodology: It is an observational study. After identifying the eligible subjects, Data will be collected by using the interview administrated questionnaire & relevant data will be collected by measurement. Collected data were processed and statistically analysed by a simple statistical method using Microsoft Excel.

Results and Discussion: Majority of the gunmam subjects were females (60%) and age group within 41-60 & 51-60 years. The maximum number of subjects were observed in Pitha Kaalam. Majority of the gunmam subjects had Abdominal pain, eructation, generalized body weakness. Vali azhalnaadi (38%) and azhalvalinaadi (32%) were observed in majority of the gunmam subjects. Neikuri was observed as valiazhal & azhalvali in gunmam subjects.

Conclusion: This study has given quite evidence for literatures. These collected information are helpful for further studies in gunmam.

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Hooghly, West Bengal, India

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