Histopathological Spectrum of Hysterectomy Specimens
Aims: Aim of this retrospective study, was to analyze the histopathological spectrum among women who have underwent hysterectomies at our institution.
Study Design: All hysterectomies were included in this study. Except 7 vaginal hysterectomies, all were abdominal hysterectomies. Clinical history and other relevant data were obtained from the records of Department of Pathology of medical college hospital. Formalin fixed paraffin embedded tissue sections stained with haematoxylin and eosin were examined and analysed for histopathological diagnosis.
Place and Duration of Study: Study was conducted at NC medical College, Panipat India during calendar year 2019.
Methodology: A total of 480(n=480) hysterectomies received during the study period. Mean age of the patient was 40.02 years ranging from 30 to 66 years. 176 (36.5%) hysterectomy specimens did have unilateral salpingo-oophorectomy and 51 (10.6%) with bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy.
Results: Histopathologically, most common findings in hysterectomy specimens were chronic cervicitis in 396(82.5%), uterine fibroids in 251 (52.29%), adenomyosis in 24(5.0%) and endometrial hyperplasia in 18(3.75%). A total of 144 patients (30.0%) showed corpus luteum in their ovaries; of which cystic changes occurred in 28 (5.8%) and hemorrhagic luteal cysts in 13(2.70%) patients. Fallopian tubes, were pathologically unremarkable; 7(1.45%) patients had paratubal cysts. Ovarian neoplasms were accounted for only 1(0.2%) patient.
Conclusion: Histopathological diagnosis in present study were of benign in nature, requiring no further treatment and management beyond hysterectomy. Hysterectomies were performed in patients to improve the quality of life, to alleviate symptoms and occasionally as a life-saving measure.
See more: http://www.journaljammr.com/index.php/JAMMR/article/view/30440