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In vivo Effects of CortiNon+ on the Emergence and Progression of Experimental Graffi Tumor in Hamste

Results from a three arms pilot study on the preventive and therapeutic effects of the food supplement CortiNon+ on the development of Graffi myeloid tumor in hamsters have been presented. Biometric parameters of tumor growth and peripheral blood count were evaluated. Two schemes of experimental oral formulation of antitumor therapy were applied ne started 7 days before tumor transplantation and a second one that started simultaneously with the tumor transplantation. The control 3rd group did not receive any oral supplementations. The results demonstrated protective antitumor effect of CortiNon+, expressed by decrease of transplantability and lowering lethality, inhibition of tumor growth and increase of survival rate of the treated animals compared to the untreated ones. The efficacy of the experimental therapy was more pronounced when it was started 7 days before transplantation of the tumour cells. Also, differences in hematological parameters were registered between the groups. Presented results suggest that CortiNon+ is a promising drug candidate for treatment of haematological malignancies

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Hooghly, West Bengal, India

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