Paediatric Mandibular Fracture: A Dilemma to Surgeons
The present study analysed 10 cases of paediatric mandibular fractures, epidemiology and treatment strategies. A systematic retrospective analysis of 10 paediatric patients who had undergone surgery for maxillofacial trauma in our department of oral and maxillofacial surgery, PMNM Dental College and hospital, North Karnataka were included in this study. The data collected was analysed to determine the prevalence of mandibular fracture with respect to particular age group, sex, etiology, commonest fracture site and the method of management. The most common is parasymphysis fracture which account for 61.53% of cases followed by condylar fracture (23.07%). Multiple fractures (20%) are less common. Pediatric mandibular fractures (5%) are rare compared to adults. The reasons cited include relatively small volume of facial mass compared to calvarium, resilience of paediatric skeleton and the protected environment in which the children live. Mangement of pediatric mandibular fractures is certainly a dilemma to surgeons due to developing dentition, growing mandible, deficit of co-operation due to age, future complications, and compromise in esthetics and function which may develop.
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