Epidemiological Analysis of Hospitalizations for Head Trauma in Hospitals of Belém do Pará, Between
Objective: The study aimed to describe the epidemiology of cases of hospitalization due to TBI in Belém/PA, between 2015 and 2019.
Methodology: This is a descriptive epidemiological study, with a retrospective approach, whose data were obtained through consultation in the Notifiable Diseases Information System.
Results: Were 2.103 cases were reported, of which (75, 3%) were male, 80,7% without race/color information, coming largely from the emergency department, with predominance of admission to a Municipal Emergency Hospital (78, 2%).
Conclusion: The high incidence of TBI in certain groups, associated with the present need to carry out complete care records, reinforces the need for health information, serving as an epidemiological basis and for the management of services. Therefore, it is extremely important to know the possible causes and act in the planning and elaboration of strategies that aim to prevent the numerous cases of TBI.
See more: https://www.journalindj.com/index.php/INDJ/article/view/30118