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Cultivation and Utilization of Bambara Groundnut (Vigna subterranea (L.) Verdc.), a Neglected Plant

In order to improve the production and commercialization of Bambara groundnut (Vigna subterranea (L) Verdc.) in Cameroon, an inventory on the use of available resources and peasant agronomic practices is a necessary prerequisite. Their understanding can help to establish efficient strategies to enhance this neglected crop. The objective of this work was therefore to identify the uses and the peasant knowledge on the Bambara groundnut in Cameroon. To this effect, a survey on the use of Bambara groundnut was carried out through interviews and direct discussions with farmers in the main production areas (Far North, Adamawa, Littoral (Coastal), Centre, North-West and West) of Cameroon. The survey revealed that in Cameroon, Bambara groundnut is mainly grown by women (74%). Monoculture (60%) is the most widely used cropping system; 40% of farmers associate it with other crops such as groundnuts, maize, sesame, okra, millet, sorghum, beans, egusi or pumpkin, and tubers. It is produced mainly on small land areas by the elderly. It is mainly cultivated by the poor peasants and without soil amendments. Several landraces are cultivated, the preferred varieties varying according to the production basins. Seed storage is mainly done with chemicals in closed containers. Weeds, lack of improved varieties, low yields, diseases and pests (insects, rodents) are the main production constraints identified. Results of this study could be exploited for the improvement and vulgarization of Bambara groundnut in Cameroon.

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Hooghly, West Bengal, India

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