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Effect of Feeding Fortified Composite Cassava Stump Meal-based Diets on Organ Weights, Haematology a

This study was designed to investigate the effects of using fortified composite cassava stump meal (FCCSM) as energy source in the diets of broiler chickens using organ, haematology and biochemical indices as response criteria. 5 diets were formulated in which FCCSM was added at 0, 5, 10, 15 and 20% inclusion levels to replace maize and designated diets I, II, III, IV and V, respectively. 150 chicks were assigned to 5 diets 3 replicates with 10 chicks per replicate in a Completely Randomized Design. At the end of the experiment, 2 birds per replicate were slaughtered and their blood collected for haematology and serum studies. Organ weights of the slaughtered birds were also measured. All data were subjected to analysis of variance. Results showed that among all the organ weights measured, only the liver, lung and proventriculus were significantly (P0.05) influenced by the dietary treatments. Among all the haematological parameters measured, the Mean Cell Haemoglobin Concentration (MCHC), Mean Cell Haemoglobin (MCH), lymphocytes and basophils were significantly (P0.05) influenced by the dietary treatments. For the serum biochemical indices measured, the albumin (ALB) and albumin/globulin (ALB/GLO) ratio were significantly (P<0.05) influenced by the dietary treatments. Generally, there was no deleterious effect of the dietary treatments on the organ weights, haematological and biochemical indices of the broiler chickens. Consequently, it was recommended that FCCSM could be included up to 20% in the diets for broiler-chickens without adverse effects.

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Hooghly, West Bengal, India

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