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The Response of Green Manuring of Sesbania aculeate on growth and Yield of Rice in Flood Prone Area

A field experiment was conducted at the farmer’s field at Ratanpur village of Marshaghai block of Kendrapara, Odisha to evaluate effect of green manuring and other nutrient management on yield and economics of rice. The village is an adopted village by Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Kendrapara, in which various activities in agriculture are going on under National innovations in climate-resilient agriculture (NICRA) program to combat the flood-affected area of the locality. The experiment consists of five treatments like green manuring + NPK (60: 30: 30 Kg/ha), green manuring + NPK (80: 40: 40 Kg/ha), green manuring + FYM (2.5 t/ha) + NPK (60: 30: 30 Kg/ha), green maturing + FYM (5 t/ha) + NPK (60: 30: 30 Kg/ha) and farmer’s practice i.e., NPK (80: 40: 40 Kg/ha). Results revealed that green manuring of Dhaincha along with application of FYM @ 5 t/ha clubbed with NPK @ 60: 30: 30 Kg/ha recorded highest grain yield (3.95 t/ha), straw yield (4.86 t/ha) and other yield attributing characters. The same treatment resulted in the highest economic return i.e., B:Cratio of 1.51.

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Hooghly, West Bengal, India

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