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Study of Mineral Nutrient Accumulation in Different Cultivars of Guava Fruits

Guava, is one of the most promising fruit crops of India and is considered to be one of the exquisite nutritionally valuable and remunerative crops. We are unaware of any report describing macro and micronutrient dynamics in fruit at different growth stages of guava. Micronutrients play an important role in production and their deficiency lead in lowering the productivity. For conducting this experiment fruit of variety Allahabad Safeda, L-49, Lalit, Shweta, Arka Kiran, Salithong, Kimchu were collected at different stages like Marble, Stone hardening & Harvest stage for estimation of primary nutrient (N, P, K), secondary nutrient (Ca, Mg) & micronutrient (Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu). The nutrient content particularly N, K, Mg, and Mn are highest in variety of Allahabad Safeda, whereas, P and Ca are highest in variety Lalit. Micronutrient Fe recorded highest in Salithong while Zn and Cu were accumulated maximum in Arka Kiran and Kimchu respectively. Recommendation of fertilizer at various growth stages is paramount for precise nutritional management for which the requirement of different nutrition is essential.

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Hooghly, West Bengal, India

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