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Behaviour of RC Moment Resisting Regular and Irregular Framed Structures Situated Near and Far to Fa

Near fault earthquake record are rich in high frequencies that effects structures for far fault earthquake record lower frequencies is not effects highly in structure. The objective of the study is to be investigating the effect of near-fault and far fault earthquake motion on the response of RC moment resisting regular and irregular structure considering Near and Far situated fault zones. Linear time history analysis G+10 building has carried out for two structures. The effects of Near and Far faults zones were evaluated for G+10 Two structure the ordinary moment resisting frame system was considered for two building as a lateral load-resisting system. For two building time, history analysis was performed under two example earthquake motion Uattarkashi (Almora and Bhatwari) magnitude 6.8 Mw. The peak acceleration v/s time response spectra of the two horizontal components of the two records for Near source earthquake records @ a distance 21.7 km Bhatwari and Far source earthquake records @ a distance 153.5 km of Almora records are taken in virtual data centre of India earthquake records COSMOS Virtual Data Center - Strong Motion Center. For two building and earthquake record, the analysis was carried out for both conditions and compared with fixed base results for all analysis both Near-field and Far-field earthquake were considered. The mainly evaluated parameter were storey drift, storey displacement and storey force, period vibration results based on linear time history analysis considering two structures. The comparative study of four parameters considers the graphs and curves shows higher and lower values higher values show that the earthquake effect of building and damages is more.

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Hooghly, West Bengal, India

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