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Physico-Chemical and Sensory Properties of Wheat-Margarine-Avocado Cake Blends

The nutrient contents of wheat-margarine used in the preparation of cakes in Nigeria is low with high fat leading consumers to several nutritional and health challenges such as overweight, obesity and cardiovascular diseases. This research was aimed at determining physicochemical and sensory properties of wheat-margarine- avocado cake blends. Cake blends of margarine and avocado were prepared in the proportions of 100:0, 80:20, 60:40, 40:60, 20:80 and 0:100. The chemical composition and physical properties of the cakes were determined using standard methods. The cakes were assessed for their sensory characteristics using 9 point hedonic scale. The physical properties of wheat, margarine and avocado cake blends showed that the replacement of margarine with avocado fruit pulp in cake production increased the cake weight with no increase in volume and height of the cakes. The proximate composition of the cakes showed that 100% wheat/avocado cake contained higher moisture (11.65±0.00), crude protein (16.85±0.00), crude fiber (2.10±0.09), ash (2.52±0.0) and carbohydrates (57.86±0.78) contents than 100% wheat/margarine which were 6.99, 12.33, 1.44, 2.10 and 54.62 respectively. However, the fat content of 100% wheat/margarine cake (29.51±0.00) was rather higher than that of the wheat/avocado cake (20.67±0.00). The mineral contents of the cakes significantly increased with increase in avocado fruit pulp. Colour, aroma, taste, texture and general acceptability decreased with the addition of avocado but were all accepted by the panelists.

It was concluded that substitution of margarine with avocado fruit pulp in cake production significantly increased the cake weight, the moisture, protein, fibre, ash, carbohydrate, mineral elements and a decrease in fat content as well as a mean scores of sensory attributes.

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Hooghly, West Bengal, India

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