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Customers’ Satisfaction that Influences Business Bank Growth (Study Case of an Indonisian Bank)

The existence of Rural Banks (BPR) in assisting the development and economic progress of the community, especially in rural areas is very important. The purpose of this article is to examine and analyze impact customer’s satisfaction tobusiness bank growth of conventional rural banks in West Sumatra. The studied Indonesian Bank (Code: X) is a regional bank, formed by a non-governmental organization that is experiencing very rapid growth. Customers’ satisfaction will be achieved if the quality of services provided is in accordance with their needs. Therefore, it is necessary to know the value of the level of customers’ satisfaction with service facilities, priority service improvement can be done through the Potential Gain Customer Value Index. The methods used were the servqual method and the PGCV (Potential Gain Customer Value). The servqual method aimed to see the service quality attributes that need to be improved, and the PGCV method aimed to complete the analysis results of servqual by determining the priority of improvements that had to be done based on the PGCV index. Based on the analysis results, there were two service quality attributes that became the improvements priority, namely the Affordable Credit Interest with the score gap of -1.35, and the Professional Survey Teams with the score gap of -0.57. The PGCV index analysis showed the results with the first improvement proposal, namely the Affordable Credit Interest with the PGGV index of 7.47.Managerial implication of this study is understanding for the bank managers that customer is not merely a customer, they are more then what a banking industry thinks. So they need to understand the factors like service quality, customer services, employee behavior, prompt services, customer relationship management which significantly contribute in customer satisfaction.

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Hooghly, West Bengal, India

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