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Genetic Architecture of Working Memory Cognitive Function of Twins | Current Journal of Applied Scie

The twin research has provided a deep understanding of the influence of genetic and the environment on cognitive functions. The contribution of genetic material accounted for 50-65% in the variations of working memory cognitive functions of twins. To conduct twin study 100 pairs of twins from two districts, namely: Bhiwani (N = 90) and Hisar (N = 110) of Haryana State, were taken. The working memory cognitive functions of twins were measured using the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children- Revised (WISC-R). Heritability estimate was used to examine the genes that contributed to shaping the cognitive functions of twins. The result of heritability estimates revealed that the heritability estimates of working memory cognitive functions namely: digit span (62%), maze (58%) and arithmetic (58%) in Bhiwani district and Hisar district, were 57%, 51% and 54% for digit span, maze, and arithmetic respectively. The findings elucidated that the working memory cognitive functions were more influenced by genetic architecture than the environmental factors. The monozygotic twins were more correlated in their general cognitive abilities than the dizygotic twins. Please see the link : -


Hooghly, West Bengal, India

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