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A Critical Review on Use of Edible Coating to Enhance Shelf Life of Mango | Current Journal of Appli

Mango is a crop of economic importance for its high export potentiality and usage as fresh and processed products of many kinds. However, increase its shelf life with maintaining postharvest quality and acceptability for long period is prime concerned since mango is a climacteric crop and cannot store for more than 5-7 days after ripening at ambient condition. Low temperature storage along with controlled atmospheric condition is being practised to keep fruits fresh. Controlled atmospheric storage reduces physiological processes, delayed ripening, but, can cause off flavour, internal tissue degradation, poor colouration and other physiological disorders. With the growing consciousness on bad effect of various chemical techniques and environmental hazards emphasizes a need to develop consumer friendly and environment friendly technology to increase shelf life of mango fruits with maintaining its quality and general acceptability. Use of edible coating is now becoming popular because it is a hazard free and environment friendly approach. It has tremendous potentiality to prolong shelf life of mango as whole fruit or fresh cut pieces. Generally, Aloe vera based edible coatings with chitosan have been studied for mango. The present review organised the various study exhaustively on different aspect of postharvest physiology of mango with use of edible coating which shall benefit the researchers for future study.

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Hooghly, West Bengal, India

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