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Effectiveness of Fertilizer Use among Arable Farmers in Yola South, North-Eastern Part of Nigeria |

Goal: The aim of this paper was to evaluate the efficacy of fertiliser use among arable farmers in the northeastern part of Nigeria's Yola South. Place and Period of the Study: The study was conducted during September 2019-July 2020 at Yola South LGA of Adamawa State, Nigeria. Methodology: Four (4) areas (Yolde pate, Bole, Mbamaba and Wuro-chekke) were selected in the district, randomly selecting 40 farmers from each farm position, for a total of 160 farmers. Using basic descriptive statistics and efficiency test value (ETV) methods, the data collected through administered questionnaires was analysed. Results: The result shows that among farmers in the region where most farmers used organic fertilisers, the soil type, vegetation cover and soil type were the most indicators of soil fertility than inorganic or combined, except at the Wuor-chekke farm site. It was found that the broadcasting method for the application of fertiliser was mostly adopted in the region. Similarly, in all the farm locations except at Wuro-chekke, organic fertiliser was assessed to be highly effective (HE) while inorganic fertiliser was HE at Bole and the combination of organic and inorganic fertilisers appeared except at the farm location of Mbamba. In addition, at Yolde pate and Wuro-chekke farm locations, the broadcasting method was HE while band placement was HE at Bole and the spot method was found to be moderately effective (ME) except that it appeared not to be effective (NE) at Mbamba. Conclusion: Comprehensive training should be conducted for farmers on modern fertiliser usage strategies and techniques through extension services and the timely provision of fertilisers to target farmers should be considered by the appropriate Yola Region and Environment Agencies for sustainable and productive food production for the increasing population. Please see the link :- [if !supportLineBreakNewLine] [endif]


Hooghly, West Bengal, India

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