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Effect of Sodium Substitution on Sensory and Quality Parameters in Mango Pickle | International Rese

Objectives: When NaCl was partially substituted with KCl and CaCl2 when curing mango bits, an extensive analysis was performed to find out the best salt combinations. There is 15-20% salt in mango pickle, the intake of which induces hypertension and high blood pressure. This is due to intake of sodium ion (Na+) in abundance. Study Design: In order to get 16 mixture combinations of salts, D-Optimal Quadratic Mixture Design using Response Surface Methodology was adopted with 3 mixture components. Methodology: 16 runs representing various salt mixtures have been developed and these 16 different brine formulations have been used to cure pickle samples. After pickling, the final sample was examined for water extraction potential (g/100g salt), curing sample hardness (N), water activity (aw), pickle sodium and potassium concentration (in ppm) and hedonic-scale organoleptic properties. Results: The result shows that in the 6th run the potential for water drawing was maximum (102.692) and minimal (58.364) in the 2nd run. The hardness of the cured sample (in N) was maximum in the 11th run (8.470) and minimum in the 9th run (6.998). In the 9th run (0.974) and minimal (0.968) in the 2nd run, water activity was maximal. The pickle concentration of Na (ppm) was highest in the 14th run (408.715) and lowest in the 2nd run (68.715). In the final pickle (ppm), K concentration was maximum in the 6th run (472.222) and minimum in the 9th run (28.744). Based on the hedonic scale, organoleptic properties were tested, it was found that run numbers 14 and 12 had a maximum score of 7.429 and 7.393 respectively, while Run-1 and Run-2 had a minimum score of 6.552 and 6.616 respectively. Conclusion: Numerical optimization showed that the maximal desirability of formulations with 0.5 fractions of NaCl and 0.5 fractions of KCl is 0.658. The desirability of another formulation of 57.1 percent NaCl and 42.9 percent KCl is 0.64. For the purpose of commercialization, this formulation may also be adopted. Please see the link :- [if !supportLineBreakNewLine] [endif]


Hooghly, West Bengal, India

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