A Comparative Analysis of the Adoption of Conflict Resolution Model for Conflict Management in
Aims: This study distinguished the adoption of conflict judgment model for conflict management in colleges of instruction and universities in South-oriental Nigeria.Study Design: The descriptive survey design was selected for the study.Place and Duration of Study: Academic staffs of Nwafor Orizu College of Education and Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka, between November 2022 and February 2023.Methodology: Simple random examination technique of choose accompanying replacement was used to select 1,046 academic staffs from the approachable population of 5,225 academic staffs of Nwafor Orizu College of Education and Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka. The patterned instruments selected for data accumulation was conflict management style appraisal by Reginald Akins. The psychometric properties of the tool were validity and a dependability coefficient of 0.74; further the instrument was executed using the direct childbirth approach. Data collected was analysed utilizing average value and standard deviation. A table of legitimate limit of numbers was used to interpret the accused’ response. Rarely - 1.00 - 1.49, Sometimes - 1.50 – 2.00, Often - 2.50 – 3.00, Always - 3.50 – 4.00. Analysis for this study was accomplished using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS).Results: The judgments revealed that academic staffs in colleges of instruction always select competing fashion of conflict resolution for conflict administration. While, academic staffs in universities frequently adopt fighting mode of conflict judgment for conflict administration. Furthermore, academic staffs in colleges of education frequently adopt preventing mode of conflict determination for conflict management, while academic staffs in academies always select avoiding fad of conflict resolution for conflict administration among possible choice.Conclusion: Conflict is inevitable effectively organisations and the tertiary organizations being a formal organisation have elaborate network of appendages with differing needs that trigger conflicts. The verdicts of this study told that academic staffs in colleges of education and academies adopt conflict determination model for conflict management.
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