A Critical Study of Quantum Chromodynamics and the Regular Charge-Monopole Theory |Physical ...
The compatibility of Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD), a strong interaction theory, with applicable experimental data is critically examined. The Regular ChargeMonopole Theory's strong advantage over QCD is clarified. An examination of new data lends credenceto this assertion. Several unique effects are highlighted in the paper to support this conclusion:the hard photonnucleon interaction, the striking difference between the high energy electron-proton and proton proton cross sections, the proton's antiquark's peripheral position, the strong CP issue, the proton's ss pair, the excess of the proton's d antiquarks over its u antiquarks,and the spindependence of polarised protonproton scattering at high energies These questions are in line with M. Gell-recently Mann's published reservations about QCD's merits.
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