A Review of Psychosocial Models for the Development of Musculoskeletal Disorders and Common Psychoso
Aims: While well known are the biomechanical factors that cause musculoskeletal disorder (MSDs), the psychosocial component of MSDs is complex and influenced by personal, organisational and environmental elements. In determining psychosocial risk factors, there is an impetus to consider how psychosocial risk factors relate to the manifestation of MSDs and systematically present the strengths and constraints of different methods.
Research Design: This paper critically reviews different models that connect psychosocial constructs to MSDs and different methods to assess psychosocial risk factors.
Methodology: This paper reviews the most important literature that presents and explores the relationship between psychosocial realms and the creation of MSDs, as well as the common methods used to evaluate psychosocial factors.
Results: This illustrates a complex connection between psychosocial and biomechanical aspects that are compounded by organisational, personal and environmental factors. In particular, psychosocial factors such as psychological demand, decisional latitude, level of social support and organisation of work result in stress that generates stress and physiological deterioration, thus MSDs. In various body sections, various psychosocial risk factors have also been found to evoke MSDs. In exploring the psychosocial component of MSDs, overarching cognitive and psychological dimensions consisting of job conditions, manoeuvre margins and work recognition were also suggested. Tools for psychological construct calculation are often subjective and rely on personal reflections. Some tools measure multiple psychosocial variables, while others evaluate particular attributes. The instruments share a common shortcoming of treating risk factors as homogeneous across different workplaces.
Conclusion: Method refinement and sector-specific instrument creation are useful for a more accurate assessment of psychosocial risk factors.
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