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An Optimal Irrigation Scheduling for Drip Irrigated Onion in A- Semi-Arid Region Using the ..

Appropriate management strategies that take into account changing environmental conditions are needed for efficient use of available water resources. The current study usedCROPWAT 8.0, a commonly used crop water requirement estimation model, to estimate and schedule irrigation requirements for onion crops grown under Vertisol in the Rabi season in Raichur district's semi-arid zone.

The root zone's soil moisture was not allowed to fall below 50% depletion. The irrigation events restored soil moisture to the potential of the field. At 90% irrigation quality, the total water demand for the first and second seasons was 428.77 mm and 399.98 mm, respectively. At various crop levels, the CROPWAT-based twoday irrigation scheduling scenario was found to be suitable for maintaining an optimal soil moisture range within the crop root region.



Hooghly, West Bengal, India

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