Analysis of Potassium Bromate Levels in Bread Brands Sold in Rumuolumeni and Mile 3 Areas of Port
The use of potassium bromates as crushing improver for bread making has acquire wide acceptability everywhere the world by way of its slow oxidizing operation which strengthens money dough and helps to create a good fabric in the finished product. The potassium bromate content of picked bread samples generally consumed in areas about two tertiary organizations in Rivers State was studied. Sixteen various bread brands were carelessly obtained from bakeries and food hawkers around Rumuolumeni and Mile 3 field of Rivers State. Samples were qualitatively and quantitatively analyzed utilizing the methods of AOAC, 2005. The qualitative study was determined by a color change from yellow to periwinkle indicating the demeanor of Potassium bromate while quantitative analysis was accomplished using a UV spectrophotometer. Results for Rumuolumeni ranged from 0.02µg/g to 1.98µg/g while results from Mile 3 extent ranged from 0.02µg/g to 1.51µg/g. The results demonstrated that bread samples from all intentional areas were higher than the legal standard set by NAFDAC for bromated bread. It is urged that regulatory crowd in Nigeria be more proactive in the application of laws regarding drink safety.
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