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Application of the Two-parameter Weibull Distribution Method to Assess the Reliability of Gas ....

The two-parameter Weibull distribution method was used to analyse the efficiency of axial compressors of gas turbines used in oil and gas installations in this paper. Since a well-maintained system minimises running costs and optimises throughput, reliability analysis is an important tool for minimising equipment failures, shortening repair time, and improving maintenance effectiveness. The research looks at the failure times of three gas turbine compressors that are all the same. Using the rank regression method, the two-parameter Weibull distribution method was found to better match the failure data, with a correlation coefficient of 0.9886. Based on the results of the two-parameter Weibull calculations, it can be concluded that the compressors in question have reached the end of their useful life (wear-out period). The compressors' reliability and mean time to failure were calculated using the Weibull estimates. This knowledge can be used to conduct timely and efficient compressor maintenance in order to boost their efficiency and availability.



Hooghly, West Bengal, India

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