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Appraisal of Practice and Some Socio-Economic Factors on the Utilization of Family Planning Methods

Background: Family planning has the potential to underrate maternal death by lowering the number of impromptu pregnancies, and abortions. This study assesses the practice across various zones in Nigeria.Aim: With a view to identify prevention factors, the research is aimed at judging the practice in some picked localities in the countryMethod: A organized questionnaire was planned and used to collect appropriate information from accused in a state each of the six geo-political zones in Nigeria. Hierarchical savoring technique is used to select a locality in each of the six geopolitical zones in united states of america that were studied. Logistic reversion is used to assess effect of bivariate reaction variables on the covariates.Results: More than 90% of respondents are informed about latest trends different birth control methods but only 26.2% have applyied contraception. Personal obstruction was found expected the most frequent reason for non-utilization of birth control in the six geo-political zones. The oddsof exercise is highest in the North-Central and slightest in the South-East. North-Central is more than four occasions more likely to take advantage of contraceptives when compared accompanying those from the South-West. Wealthy people the one mostly lodge in urban centers are also raise to be more aware and utilize birth control more. As educational achievement increases, both exercise of contraception and information of family planning procedures also increase.



Hooghly, West Bengal, India

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