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Assessment of Physico-Chemical Properties of Soil from Different Villages of Sundar Nagar Block of M

One of ultimate popular phrases in farming is the term “Soil Health and Soil Quality.” Agricultural sustainability is being dependent on soil strength. Soil quality estimate is of paramount significance to know the appropriate administration practices to be selected for sustainable crop result. Soil samples were collected from Sunder Nagar block of Mandi precinct on Oct. 2022 in three depths namely. 0-15,15-30 and 30-45 cm and analysed for their Physico-synthetic parameters by utilizing standard laboratory methods. Soil health limits were analyzed and the establishing state that, texture of soil is arenicolous loam. Soil response was neutral to somewhat alkaline accompanying soil EC mostly beneath <1.0 dS m-1 significantly influence for better crop production. In the case of natural carbon, nitrogen and planet seen at dawn content of research area was establish to be somewhat low to medium while the range of potassium range was medium to extreme. The concentration levels of sure micronutrients were resolved and the results indicate that metallic mineral levels were low to kind of medium, copper levels were reduced to medium, iron levels were medium to high and manganese levels were medium to marginally high. For advancing the soil health and soil character use of organic fertilizer is recommended for manure management.



Hooghly, West Bengal, India

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