Assessment of Phytoecological Parameters of Forest Massifs in the Kwilu Province in the Democratic..
Rainforests are Africa's great green core, and as such, they contain a unique mix of ecological, climatic, and human interactions. Since the dawn of time, the destruction of various forest habitats, primarily in tropical regions and, more specifically, in Sub-Saharan Africa, has been a constant fact. Faced with this almost alarming image, which was frequently linked to countless economic challenges and haphazard management, as well as inevitable climate change, it seemed necessary and imperative to assess the quantities of Air Biomass, sequestered carbon stocks, carbon equivalent, and basal area created by various forest massifs encountered in the Kwilu province. The research was conducted at the Kiyaka Agricultural Research Station, which is located south of Kikwit. A 200 m long nylon wire divided into 10 m intervals was used to demarcate five blocks of 100 m / 20 m. The system thus described made it possible to inventory all of the trees, with dbh measuring 1.30 m at chest height and dbh dbh dbh dbh dbh dbh dbh dbh dbh dbh dbh dbh Species was classified into 11 orders, 42 genera, and 19 families, according to the results. In terms of plant types, the following systematic units are better described. There are 26 plant species in the Fabaceae, Malvaceae, Apocynaceae, Euphorbiaceae, and Olacaceae groups, while nine families are underrepresented. The inhabitants of this reserve, however, are challenging it from all sides; they do not want to clear large areas of forest for their field work. It is therefore important that INERA/Kiyaka officials take the requisite precautions to ensure its complete safety.
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