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Assessment of Soil Fertility through Response of Rice (Oryza sativa L.) to Nutrient Omission in Alfi

The analysis was carried out with the aim to recognize the specific yield restricting nutrients through response of edible grain to nutrient oversight in pot culture under entirely randomized design with 3 replications and 11 situations during kharif season 2017 and to demonstrate the best use of identified limiting foods in wheat crop at field level in Kondagaon department during rabi season 2017-18. The treatments were planned by keeping individual treatment with use of all nutrients in best level and others by sequentially omitting each vitamin. The soil had a clay earth texture, neutral response (pH 6.6), normal electrical generated power, medium organic C, free P and K, low available N and S, extreme available Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn and Cu and slight available Zn and B. Omission of N and P nutrients considerably reduced the progress, yield and nutrients uptake by edible grain in comparison to all nutrients. The maximum seed yield of 73.0 g pot-1 was written, in all nutrients marijuana and 50.1 % reduction ingrain yield of rice, from the maximum yield, was recorded in N excluded pots, trailed by 18.8 % reduction in P omitted marijuana and omission of other fibers didn’t reduce the seed yield significantly indicating that only N and P were yield restricting nutrients. In field proof during rabi season, 19.0 % increase in wheat piece yield and 23.0 % increase in net return was recorded, on account of optimum dose of recognized yield limiting nutrients over laborer's practice dose. The results plainly indicate that the site distinguishing nutrient administration dose based on yield restricting nutrient labeled through nutrient omission study was raise economically profitable to the growers.



Hooghly, West Bengal, India

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