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Chemical Profile of the Stem Extract of Costus afer (Bush Cane) from Imo State in Nigeria | Asian..

The goal of this study was to look at the chemical profile of Costus afer stem extract (Bush cane).

Fresh Costus afer stems were collected from Obizi in the Ezinihitte Mbaise Local Government Area of Imo State. The proximate composition of the stem extract of Costus afer, a medicinally significant Costaceae species, was determined using the AOAC method and hot water (aqueous extraction). Saponification was used to determine fatty acids, and fatty acid methyl esters were extracted three times from the mixture using redistilled n-hexane. GC/MS analysis was used to evaluate the phytochemicals in the stem extract.

Results: The moisture content of Costus afer stems was 22.15 percent, crude fat was 1.15 percent, ash was 4.60 percent, crude protein was 7.72 percent, crude fibre was 9.40 percent, and carbohydrate was 54.98 percent, with a calorific value of 261.15 kcal/100 g. Alkaloids ranging from papaverine (44.72 percent) to narcotine (70.59 mg/100 g) were discovered in phytochemical investigations (14.11 percent ). Myricetin (69.79%), quercetin (14.88%), and kaemferol (14.88%) made up the majority of total flavonoids (28.29 mg/100 g) (9.78 percent ). Sapogenin (39.20 percent), saponine (22.12 percent), and diosgenin (26.13 percent) made up the saponins (2.87 mg/100 mg), whereas costugenin (65.60 percent), digitoxin (18.73 percent), digoxin (6.28 percent), and salicin made up the glycosides (22.35 mg/100 mg) (4.76 percent ). Linolenic acid (32.27 percent), linoleic acid (25.90 percent), palmitic acid (25.48 percent) had intermediate concentrations, whereas oleic acid (7.11 percent) and stearic acid had low concentrations (6.37 percent ).

Conclusion: Alkaloids, saponins, glycosides, and flavonoids were identified as the primary ingredients of Costus afer in chemical analyses, which were verified by phytochemical screening. The stem of Costus afer investigated can be considered as a potential source of food, pharmaceuticals, fodder, and an excellent source of key nutrients for animals due to its high concentration of bioactive compounds and the presence of nutrients. Please see the link :-



Hooghly, West Bengal, India

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