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Comparison of Local Ice Packs with Local Anaesthetics for Decreasing the Pain of Injection during a

The aim of this study was to assess the effectiveness of various non-pharmacological and non-pharmacological strategies for reducing the pain of local anaesthesia injection during dental procedures.

Introduction: One of the most common issues seen by dentists is dental anxiety and fear of needles. Many techniques are commonly used to reduce the pain of local anaesthesia injection during dental procedures. One of the suggested techniques is injection site desensitisation. Using certain non-pharmacological and safe approaches instead of chemical anaesthetic topical agents that are effective but may have allergic side effects may be beneficial.

Materials and Methods: Patients who received LA were selected at random and subjected to a pre-injection intervention that included heat, cold, and pressure. This was compared to a control group who received no pre-injection medication. Pre-injection intervention pain score in ice and LA spray. The pain levels in the LA spray technique are clearly higher than those in the Ice technique.

When the pain score of ice as a pre-injection intervention was compared between males and females, it was discovered that males had lower pain scores.

Conclusion: The non-pharmacological approach has a major benefit over the pharmacological method in this analysis. As a result, more research may be needed to standardise ice application prior to injection as a nontoxic and natural way to reduce pain during a LA injection. It can also help when LA isn't working because of an acidic climate.



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Hooghly, West Bengal, India

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