Computer Aided Training - A Variable of the Modern Romanian Educational Process in the Knowledge Soc
Computer and multimedia learning is still a popular form of instruction. Computer-assisted and computer-based training provides for an education that is tailored to the student's intellectual profile and beyond. It also places the learner in circumstances where he or she must interact and communicate quickly, in a setting that allows for widespread distribution of the developed information as well as time flexibility by combining synchronous and asynchronous communication methods. Interactivity is effectively generalised in computer-assisted training, giving the student with constant feedback as visible and immediate effects occur on the computer screen. Today, computer-assisted instruction involves efficient research of the student's work, supervised and guided by the teacher (even in the current conditions dictated by the pandemic), which helps him in performing technical operations, in identifying the links between information and documentation, leading him to a new form of knowledge (digital knowledge). Achieving the objectives of the educational process requires as necessary, in different stages of learning, the intuition of processes and phenomena of reality, either directly or through substitutes. At the same time, the formation of skills and abilities requires the presence of material supports for practicing actions. Through this paper, we aim to show that there is thus a diversity in education such as "pedagogical tools" called associated teaching aids in the field of computer-assisted training. They contribute to the efficient development of the didactic activity, being equally material resources of the educational process, selected from reality, modified, or made to reach the pedagogical objectives. Technology has driven the diversification and improvement of these resources, to the point where, in the Information and Knowledge Society, computer-assisted training has become a variable of the modern educational process, which must now, more than ever, take into account the individual and societal profile.
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