Consumptive Use of Water, Yield, and Total Dry Matter of Drip-Irrigated Cabbage Grown under Differen
The output of cabbage all along the dry season in the coastal grassland environment of Ghana is forced by inadequate chance of water. Two vegetable varieties, K-K Cross and Oxylus were of age in a Coastal Savannah environment utilizing a small-scale trickle irrigation arrangement and irrigated at water application levels of 40, 55, 70, 85 and 100 % of necessary water. The experiment was executed utilizing the split-plot design in three replicates with the main plot being the levels of used water and the two vegetable types assigned to the substitute-plots. The aims of the study were to estimate destructive use actual evapotranspiration (AET) for two vegetable cultivars grown at various levels of applied water utilizing the family trickle irrigation electronics and to determine total new, bankable fresh and total dry matter yields of two drop-irrigated cabbage cultivars at various levels of applied water. Generally, the output and consumptive use of water of K-K Cross and Oxylus diminished in response to dropping off levels of applied water accompanying consumptive use, total new yield and total dry matter at 100% level of applied water being maximal and significantly (P≤0.01) various from matching values at 40%, 55%,70% and 85% levels of used water. Results of the study, therefore, stressed the need to maintain enough soil moisture to embellish effective use of water and output.
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