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Cost-benefit Analysis of Different Agroforestry Systems and Practices of Kaharole Upazila of Dinajpu

In the Kaharole Upazila of Bangladesh's Dinajpur district, a research was conducted to assess the costs and advantages of three agroforestry systems: homestead, farmland, and orchard agroforestry. From July 2017 to January 2018, a comprehensive field survey and measurements were carried out throughout Kaharole upazila's various unions and villages. The survey region was chosen using a multistage random sampling approach in this study. A pre-structured questionnaire was used for collecting the benefits and costs data. A total of 60 agroforestry practices including 20 homesteads, 20 orchards and 20 croplands were evaluated for cost and benefit analysis. Initial three years costs and income data were collected from the field survey. A projection of seven years cost and income was also produced using regression model. Results of the production cost analysis showed that significantly maximum production cost was in orchard agroforestry system (Tk. 98987 per ha.) followed by cropland (Tk. 90238 per ha.) and minimum in homestead system (Tk. 10854 per ha.) in the 1st year. But production cost decreasing trend was recorded in the successive years in all the systems. In case of gross income analysis showed that though initial income was significantly lower in orchard agroforestry followed by cropland and homestead but after tenth year higher income was found in orchard agroforestry system (Tk. 564758 per ha.) followed by cropland (Tk. 251914 per ha) and homestead (Tk.234234 per ha) agroforestry system. However, the net income indicated that orchard agroforestry system was financially more profitable than cropland and homestead agroforestry systems, but the benefit-cost ratio (BCR) was higher in homestead as well as cropland agroforestry systems and lower in orchard agroforestry system. Guava-based agroforestry, on the other hand, was more profitable than any other techniques. Despite the higher BCR of farmhouse agroforestry, orchard agroforestry was commonly implemented by farmers in the research area. Farmers' decisions on what kind of land use to adopt tend to be mostly influenced by the net amount of income they earn, rather than the BCR.



Hooghly, West Bengal, India

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