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Dermatoglyphics of the Digits and Inter-digit Areas in Down Syndrome Patients of a Sampled Nigeria..

The aim of this study was to see if there were any variations in the dermatoglyphic characteristics of the digit and inter-digit areas between DS patients and healthy Nigerians. The improvise digital method was used to obtain dermatoglyphic prints of the digit and inter-digit regions. The digit patterns, inter-digit patterns, and single flexion crease of the fifth digit were all evaluated. The Chi-square test was used to compare dermal patterns in DS patients and normal controls at a meaningful level of P =.05. The overall mean percentage frequency for arch, radial loop, ulnar loop, and whorl was 5.28 percent, according to the digit patterns. In normal subjects, the percentage was 29.22%. At the P =.05 standard, the distribution of dermal ridge in digits I, II, and III of the right hand and digits II and III of the left hand in patients and normal subjects vary significantly. Except for inter-digit C, Down syndrome patients had more open fields in all inter-digit regions. Only in inter-digit C and D of the left hand did the patterns of DS patients and regular subjects vary significantly. A single flexion crease was found in one average subject compared to four in Down syndrome patients. The study's results may be used as an additional screening tool for Down syndrome.



Hooghly, West Bengal, India

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