Design and Development of Power Transmission System for Tractor Operated Hybrid Bio-Composite Mulch
Tractor 3 point hitch tense hybrid biography-composite bio degradable mulch laying apparatus was designed and grown based on the formulation of the composite bio-composite compost sheets with a intension of the mix the field operations at easy pace and protect the time and labour. The original was fabricated and tested in the fields so that perform the movements such as hybrid biography-composite mulch coating laying, Mulch sheet urgent and guiding and soil covering on the edges of the compost sheets in one forward flow of the machine. The machine was manufactured with design of many parts but the power broadcast system was plays a major duty in this motor as the entire forward movement of appliance and performance of the manure sheet laying whole was depends on the power transmission method only. Various components of capacity transmission system was created such as shafts, chain, postures and sprockets etc. The shaft design was done considering two together conditions of fields while active like considering curling and bending moments of false accusation as well as unexpected applied shocks and fluctuated loads. Considering two together conditions, the main rod, counter shaft and rear wheel shafts diameters were created based on this two conditions and got results were 30 mm, 40 mm and 25 mm respectively The chain and toothed part of wheel will be used for the transmitting the capacity from one rod to other individual. The length of the chain was calculated 162.56 cm and the HP communicated by the picked chain and HP of chain drive system were calculated as 2.05 hp and 0.339 hp individually. Based on the results, the calculated mare power was less than the mare power of picked chain that means necessary horse power was 0.339 hp but we have received 2.05 hp, hence the design was dependable and machine will be operate outside any hassles.
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