Determinants of Computer Ergonomic Hazards among Office Workers in Klang Valley, Malaysia | Asian Jo
Extent of computer usage in public and private sectors had been greatly increased in recent decades carrying the risk of several health hazards. Due to the impact of computer ergonomic hazards on office workers, this study is conducted to evaluate the awareness and determinants of computer ergonomic hazards among office workers in Klang Valley. A total of 340 office workers from 4 district areas were selected using online survey. Independent sample t-test and standard multiple regression was used to analyse the data. The finding of this study reveals that the respondents possess a high level of awareness of computer ergonomics hazards especially the long hours of computer usage can affect their health conditions. Consistent with the Activity Theory, this study suggests that the design of workstation has an impact on computer ergonomic hazards. This study gives the office management as well as policy-makers the opportunity to take necessary steps such as arranging training and development programmes, prepare guidelines on the awareness of computer ergonomic hazards, and redesign the workstation’s furniture and setup following worldwide prominent ergonomic standard and guidelines.
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