Determinants of Farmer’s Attitude to Plant Agro-forestry Trees in Kaduna State, Nigeria | ....
Agroforestry trees improve food and nutrition protection, generate revenue, and aid in the resolution of land management issues. In the Giwa Local Government Area (LGA) of Kaduna State, this study looked at the factors that influence farmers' willingness to plant agro-forestry trees. Six (6) districts were chosen at random from Giwa LGA's eight (8) districts. Every district had two villages chosen at random, for a total of twelve (12) villages. A total of 120 respondents were chosen from each village, with ten agroforestry farmers from each village. Structured questionnaires were used to collect data. Descriptive statistics, inferential statistics - Chi-square and Pearson Product Moment Correlation (PPMC), and regression were used to analyse the results. examination The average age was 40.12 years, according to the findings. Farmers' attitudes were found to be influenced by their age (2=18.487, P=0.001) and educational level (2=9.656, P=0.04), according to Chi-square analysis. According to PPMC, revenue (r=0.181, p=0.049), education (r=0.181, p=0.049), and jobs (r=0.181, p=Farmers' attitudes were significantly influenced by membership in an association (r=0.214, P=0.02). Years of experience (=0.330, P=0.001) and constraints (=0.246, P=0.11) were found to be determinants of farmers' attitudes in regression analysis. Farmers have a negative attitude toward tree planting (59 percent). Age group, educational level, income, and membership in an association were found to be very significant and paramount in enhancing agroforestry tree planting, while years of experience and constraints faced by farmers were found to be major determinants of farmers' attitudes toward planting agroforestry trees.
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