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Determination of the Fermentation Parameters of an Artisanal Beer Based on Wax and Honey..........

The goal of this research is to assess some microbiological and physicochemical characteristics during the manufacturing of craft beer made with honey and beeswax. Throughout the manufacturing process, samples were taken at several important points. During production, the load of mesophilic aerobic germs and yeasts stays high. During the manufacturing of both varieties of beer, lactic acid bacteria are completely absent. Furthermore, Gram staining allowed for the isolation of 26 percent of Gram negative bacteria, of which only one (1) strain is rod-shaped (5%) and four (4) strains are hulls (21%) and 74 percent of Gram positive bacteria, of which three (3) strains are rods (16%) and eleven (11) strains are hulls (58 percent ). In the case of honey beer, 45 percent of Gram-negative bacteria were recovered, with seven (7) hulls (32%) and three (3) rods (13%) being the most common, and 55 percent Gram-positive bacteria, with seven (7) hulls (32%) and five (5) rods being the most common (23 percent ). When wax and honey beers are first harvested, they have a high level of reducing sugars. The reducing sugars diminish the microbes during the heat treatment, which takes 9 minutes and 11 minutes for wax and honey beer, respectively.



Hooghly, West Bengal, India

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