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Development and Performance Assessment of Real-time Rotational Speed Measurement System for

Rotational speed is individual of the most main parameters in the performance of some system. It enhances more vital when the rotational speed calculation is required on absolute-time footing. Measurement of rotational speed has a crucial duty in automation of land machineries for various purposes. The existent real-time speed calculation systems are exposed to the varying working atmosphere. Therefore, it was necessary to study the act of available sensor. In this study four various sensors (inductive proximity, Infrared (IR), Hall effect and ocular proximity sensors) were proven in three different working surroundings (indoor, rustic and outdoor dirty condition) for two different spacings (2 and 5 mm) middle from two points sensors and target. A workshop setup was developed to test the act of the sensors in terms of portion deviation in turning speeds measurement compared to real values. The principles were recorded unstable Digital (SD) card and analysed using brimming factorial design. The means of the various levels were compared using Tukey’s (b) procedure. There was significant distinctness in sensor response for various conditions. The percentage of departure in speed for Hall effect, inductive closeness, IR and optical proximity sensors different from 0.55 to 1.03, 1.20 to 32.29, 21.37 to 100.00 and 35.18 to 99.98%, respectively. The study decided that the Hall effect sensor was more suitable for capable of rotating speed measurement than the other sensors outside being affected by active environment.



Hooghly, West Bengal, India

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