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Divergence Analysis of Bitter Gourd Genotypes for Yield and Yield Attributes

Genetic difference for yield and yield attributes were evaluated in 33 sharp gourd genotypes for 17 individualities. Characters such as, days to first male flower characteristic, days to first female flower presence, node of first male flower presence, node of first female flower characteristic, number of male flowers per vine, number of female flowers per climbing plant, days to first harvest, number of harvests, fruit time (cm), fruit circumference (cm), individual fruit pressure (g), vine distance (cm), number of basic branches per creeper, number of fruits per creeper, sex percentage, number of seeds per product and yield of fruits per creeper (g) were used for analysing the difference among the genotypes. Genotypes were arranged into five clusters utilizing D2 statistics, and a dendrogram was established using Ward's approach. Out of the five clusters, cluster I was the best comprising of 14 genotypes. Maximum bury cluster distance was observed betwixt cluster III and cluster V, hence different parents for combination can be picked from these two clusters.



Hooghly, West Bengal, India

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